How to Be a Muckraker

After exposing corruption in local elected officials, I was told by someone in the community not to be a muckraker. The person who said this to me made it sound like a bad thing. So surely I had to find out exactly what a muckraker was. Definitions change in our society today with a rapidity that is breathtaking. I’ll go with the original definition of the term rather than the one from our “no absolutes, everything-is-relative,” revisionist society of today. This is from Britannica.

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How to Fix It

On gun control….

The government CANNOT fix it.

What is needed in this country is a spiritual awakening, a revival, one where the hearts of men change in their attitudes toward God and they turn away from evildoing. There actually was a time when these sorts of mass killings didn’t happen. It was a time when such things as morality, honor, and respect for others, and doing what’s right ruled in our country.

We can have that again, but we will need hearts to change.

Let the love of God prevail in our nation.

Who Should Be Our Next President?

I am reading Glenn Beck’s book on the Federalist papers.   The Founders expected that, for the highest office in our land,  people would give the candidates a lot of thought and inspection.  As for guidelines on that choice, they made minimal requirements, expecting that the wisdom of the People would be sufficient. The candidate had to be at least 35 years of age, a resident of the country for at least 14 years and be a natural born citizen (not the same as  just a citizen or naturalized citizen).  This was important to the Founders so as to prevent foreign influence in the top office of the country.

The GOP had another debate last night. I didn’t get to sit and watch it in its entirety.  I had, however, seen an earlier debate and had eliminated two candidates just from that debate.  I was left with three whom I could not choose between at the time.  I loved everything they said.  I like Rick Santorum, Michelle Bachmann, Herman Cain, Tim Pawlenty. I loved everything they had to say. I think Newt Gingrich is very smart.  But this morning as I think upon my quandary of choosing, I have added some new requirements of my own.

I feel, that in the light of the current train wreck that we have in the Oval office (masquerading as a leader) that it is imperative in this next election, that we elect a successful former or current governor.  The mess that we currently have, called government, will require someone with governing experience.  No learning on the job this time…the hour is too late for that.  I think this is wisdom.

My other personal requirement is that this successful former or current governor also have a stable personal life…no multiple marriages.  I also think this is wisdom.

So, where does that leave me?  I have three candidates to choose from and I am eliminating all of the rest.  Not because I don’t think they’re wonderful candidates, because I do think most of them are.  I am going for an experienced governing candidate this time, so my field of candidates to choose from will be Tim Pawlenty, Mitt Romney, and Rick Perry, who is currently slated to announce his entrance into the race soon.  And should any other successful former or current governors choose to come into the race, I will add them to the roster of choices.

Now I have more thoughtful consideration to do.

Wisdom From Those Who Have Gone Before Us

The Father of American Geography, Jedediah Morse wrote,

“Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of government, and all the blessings which flow from them, must fall with them.”

Editor: I think I see this on the horizon.

American diplomat and politician, Daniel Webster,  in 1837:

“The hand that destroys the Constitution renders our Union asunder.”

Editor: Ummm…yep, I think we’re watching it happen.

President Ronald Reagan said:

“If we ever forget that we are One Nation under God, then we will be a Nation gone under.”

Editor:  We are so right at the door.