Things Your School Board Won’t Talk About…Unless You Make Them

Photo by Valdemaras D. on

The following is the address a citizen/taxpayer of a school district made (at least in part) to the local school board her taxes are paid to. These matters were brought at the beginning of the 2023 school year at the August board meeting to alert the school district to the new efforts from the Assembly and the Governor to subvert Illinois schoolchildren. Names have been obscured because it doesn’t really matter which school district and superintendent it is, because they are everyone. These things affect every school district in Illinois.

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More on Charlie Gard

Now the London Sunday Times carries an article by Melanie Phillips defending the Great Ormond Hospital in the UK and ridiculing Charlie’s parents. She goes on to blame, without links or citations in context mind you, but only special quotes, from “hysterical American conservatives” and singling out American Thinker for special condemnation — for causing both the parents’ false hopes and the general public outcry over Charlie’s predicament.

You can read more about that here at this article by Daren Jonescu:

Hysterical AT Writers caused Charlie Gard to suffer

Reading through Ms. Phillips’ argument, one gets the sense of the whole emotional argument that Progressives make. It’s based on emotions. Not facts. She can’t even get straight who the argument is between.  She claims the argument was not between the parents and the all powerful State, but between the parents and the hospital. Well, I say, who runs the hospital?! The State!

How is it possible for a truly thinking person to miss that?

We as conservatives have to know the issues and what the true argument is. Progressives are all about emotion and will try to sway society with their rational-sounding debate. I don’t believe they really care about facts, having long ago thrown away absolutes, declaring that all was relative. Now all of their arguments are based on emotion and because they are, their thinking is all muddled and incoherent. Witness the current state of affairs in our news media, who ignore everything else going on to chase after Russia, Russia, Russia, all the time when, as yet, there is no evidence of a crime after all these months, yet they forsake all other stories. Is that rational? No, they hate the President and that is what it is all about.

But I will say this: their arguments based on emotion can sometimes tempt and sound good and true. But we on the other side of the debate cannot fall for it. It is the glittering, shiny deception of something that sounds good and true, but it’s not THE truth, like the serpent (for those who believe the bible) in the garden telling Eve she would not die; she would be like God. Notice it was the tree of GOOD and EVIL they were not to eat from. We cannot lose sight of the real true position. We must maintain a search and love for what the truth is if we are to turn the culture from its socialist death march.

Those who are determined to press on with their emotional arguments, but are undeterred by what the truth is, will progressively regress in their thinking into a muddled mass of incoherence. That is my prediction.


Where Does Money Come From?

Subtitle: What is happening to our culture?

Our Federal government has done a good job of creating dependency in our country. And we have let them. We have helped in many ways. We have voted for it and we have supported it. It’s good to help the poor and needy. It’s especially good to do it with someone else’s money. Some people choose to do it with their own money (I do and prefer it that way), but ask any good Progressive. It’s far better to do it with someone else’s money. That money being the taxpayer’s money. But the Federal government, because they live in Washington, D.C. and we live thousands of miles away, cannot distinguish a person’s situation. They can’t determine if someone is scamming them, because they live so far away and don’t KNOW the people.

In small town America, people know people, and they know if you are a scammer or not. Because generations live in the same area, everyone knows everyone else. They knew your grandpa and your grandma; they knew your parents, and brothers and sisters. The police know you, maybe some more than others! It’s plain hard to get away with cheating on your spouse in small town America, because everyone knows stuff. There’s just not that many people to keep track of! My point is, small town America is better at taking care of its poor than Washington, D.C. But that’s not the way things are working out right now.

I happen to know a little bit about township government. You’d think that when people need help at the local level, the money that is taken from the taxpayers and put in a local fund for that very purpose would be used to help them. Nope. I’ve been told by credible township supervisors that, if the person qualifies for state and federal assistance, the township can’t use that money. Really? Then what is it for and why is it building up into incredible amounts? (I see state confiscation in our futures.) The state and federal government know the situation better than the local government?

But I digress. The question is, Where does money come from? (Besides printing presses in Washington, D.C.) We currently have a culture where, last figure I heard was, 49% are dependent on the Federal government in some fashion. I am not sure that figure includes the Social Security recipients, but it may. I am not begrudging them getting back what they paid in, because they have paid in specifically for it. At some point in our history, we decided it was a good idea to let the government plan our retirement accounts for us. I disagree with that concept, but nonetheless, it is what it is.

Back to dependency. Our current Progressive administration has done its utmost to increase dependency on government. I could go in to all the ways they’ve done it, but for the sake of time and space, I won’t here, because I need to tell my story.

This whole cultural dependency-on-other-people’s-money thing was revealed to me in a big way recently. And at the local level!

A local 4-H club wanted to do a charitable project for the summer. It was a great idea. You see, when children are home for the summer, their parents still have to go to work. The club wanted to make sure the kids got a meal at noon and weren’t just left to fend for themselves. Apparently, they knew of some local kids in this situation. They made a deal with a local food place to put some sack lunches together for a certain price. But the 4-H club had no money to do the project with.

The project was printed in the local paper and the 4-H club went about applying for GRANTS for their project. I heard about the project (I, being a private citizen with my own money that I have earned by working a job) and decided to jump on board. Little did I know…I decided I would kill a few birds with one stone. I made the club an offer they couldn’t refuse! They needed money, right?

The downtown area of the small town where I work can get pretty trashy on the weekends. We have some, ahem, irresponsible types, who thrown their trash out on the streets and sidewalks instead of in the trashcan that is placed there for that purpose. I decided to offer the club a, wait for it…JOB, picking up the trash on Monday mornings. It would probably have taken a handful of kids an hour to do it. In return, I would pay them the handsome sum of $25, which, by the way, would cover the cost of that day’s lunches. And I would do it for at least a month, perhaps for the whole term of the project. I would also make the mayor happy, because the downtown would be cleaned up of trash. It was a brilliant idea.

Only thing was, the club couldn’t do it. They were waiting on their GRANT money. The leader had all kinds of reasons why they couldn’t do it, but they appreciated my offer of a JOB. I’m not saying the leader’s reasons were not legit. I know people work. But there is a principle at work here, and I think an important teaching opportunity was lost and another one was definitely taught to those kids. Let me tell you the rest of the story…

The village (the government) where the kids lived, came through with a CHECK to help them get going! And everyone got their picture in the paper. Then another government agency came up with a CHECK also…and everyone got their picture in the paper. (See how this is working.) And then last week, the private sector (one business) came up with a CHECK. And everyone got their picture in the paper. So you see how this looks? Hey, the tin cup method works way better than a job. And you get your picture in the paper every time, because, everyone loves the feel good story. Rewards, right? And yeh, it would have just taken too long to, ahem, WORK for that money because, golly gee, that would just take too long and we don’t have time for that! I was heartbroken that they did not accept my offer, but I was determined that I would not just give them the money. (Hard-hearted of me, right?)

Kickstarter is another thing I don’t understand. I know a lady who went on there and started a project to raise the money (from other people) to publish her book. She got the money. I don’t know if they are supposed to repay or not, because I don’t know that much about it. I got a JOB and EARNED the money to publish my book. (Shameless plug for it right here…it’s a children’s book call A Tale of Two Lambs. You can purchase it on In the process, I gave someone else some work for several months because I needed illustrations for it. And she earned money. That’s how private enterprise works.

To sum up: where does money come from? What do you think those club kids think now? What did they learn? They learned if you want to do something nice for someone, ask the government and private businesses for a handout. You will be funded. THAT is what they learned. Oh, and you get your picture in the paper when you are successful. Who can compete with that?

There are Haters out there!

I received a really snarky comment on my art blog the other day. Me. On my blog about art. It’s not the first time, but this one had a particularly hateful tone. She was going to follow my art blog, but after she read my political blog, there was NO WAY she would EVER follow my art blog. Now I will admit to using sarcasm when I write here at Watching the Nation. But I don’t use hate. I actually refuse to be hateful. I really work at putting facts out there, and yes, my opinion about them is in there too. I really want to enter the debate, which is why I started this blog. And debate needs to be fairly unemotional. Just the facts.

But it’s my blog and I have an opinion on our world. And it is a conservative opinion. Everyone else seems to claim the right to speak. So how come I (who would be accused en masse along with all conservatives of being, of all things, a HATER) am being attacked in such a hateful manner? I don’t get it. Except to say this: I’ve been around the block a few times, and here is what I see….those who accuse others of being HATERS are themselves hateful. (And the commenter didn’t actually accuse me of being a hater, but her vehemence against me seemed to leap off the page, so that I could see the accusation coming). Those who so easily judge others (and I am guilty of it too; it is a constant battle) are guilty of the same things they say others do. For me, it is no longer about Republicans vs. Democrats; it is now about Right vs. Wrong.

I responded pleasantly to the commenter, lamenting that I was sorry she felt that way and couldn’t separate my art from my politics. I said it was too bad, and that we probably could have learned things from each other. Indeed. That is what debate is about….in my opinion.

Violence on The Right….Really?

With all the talk lately of fear of violence from the right, this article by Mithridate Ombud from sums it up nicely.  I excerpt this portion only:

And there’s one more here:  the brutal beating of Governor Bobby Jindal’s  staffer and her boyfriend in in New Orleans during the Southern Republican Leadership Conference.

Just remember:  this is an election year…expect the rhetoric and even the violence to get much worse.  Desperation causes politicians to do strange things.  And it certainly looks to me like the thuggery on the Progressive side has ratcheted up quite a bit lately.  This may be the way things are done in Chicago.