The Rules Change Again….

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It’s the Year 2024

It’s the Era of Great Pretending. 

Truth is expendible.

In this Era of Great Pretending. Boys can be girls. Girls can be boys. They can pretend they are a different gender than they actually are. Men can have babies, or they can pretend to, at least. They can nurse them too, I hear. Or they can pretend to.

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Illinois…Not sure I ever knew ya’

A press release arrived this month stating that the Illinois governor just awarded $25 million from IL taxpayers’ pockets to the Chan Zuckerberg biohub project in Chicago. Here’s what the czbiohub website says:

Empowering scientists to pursue their riskiest, most exciting ideas.

Author: (Gee, that sounds like fun. Riskiest? Really?)

“The Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Network brings together researchers from across disciplines to pursue audacious, important scientific challenges. (Author—Audacious?)

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How to Be a Muckraker

After exposing corruption in local elected officials, I was told by someone in the community not to be a muckraker. The person who said this to me made it sound like a bad thing. So surely I had to find out exactly what a muckraker was. Definitions change in our society today with a rapidity that is breathtaking. I’ll go with the original definition of the term rather than the one from our “no absolutes, everything-is-relative,” revisionist society of today. This is from Britannica.

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After the Carrot, Does the Stick Come?

Illinois Governor JB Pritzker is giving out carrots. What do I mean by that? You’ve heard of the carrot and the stick, right?

Wikipedia defines the phrase this way, “The phrase ‘carrot and stick’ is a metaphor for the use of a combination of reward and punishment to induce a desired behavior. In politics, “carrot or stick” sometimes refers to the realist concept of soft and hard power.”

So if he’s giving out carrots and the “rabbits” won’t bite, does the stick come next?

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It’s Been a Great Week!

Special Counsel Robert Mueller serves it up in a news dump on Friday night.

Hey, it’s just the bun! There’s no meat.


Then, it must be…


One Democrat candidate…


Venezuela didn’t have a good week…


But The Day the Music Died is making a comeback…


One political party has a bright idea…let’s get rid of the electoral college. This looks like Illinois’ recent governor’s election, except in Illinois.

electoral college map

And…spring is here…or so the story goes.


Baby Charlie Gard…what it was really about

Hopefully, you have been following the saga of baby Charlie Gard, taken hostage by the British courts and the British National Health Care System (NHL). We can now say for sure that we have met those infamous Death Panels that show up when the government is paying the medical bills. The government then owns you lock, stock, and barrel. If you think that’s overstating it, you haven’t been following little Charlie’s story. What a cute baby he was too. Our congress had the opportunity to stop our march to this end result this week, but they said, “no” this week.

Because I cannot present the argument any better than Daren Jonescu, I implore you to read his/her posts at the following links. You don’t have to be uninformed, unless you choose to be. Be responsible! The country needs you!

Tyranny Bares Its Teeth (to defend babies, of course)

Charlie Gard’s Mother Permitted to Join Her Betters

The Totalitarian Ratchet Turns

Charlie Gard’s Parents Give Up—And You’re Next

Charlie Gard Has Died

RIP Charlie Gard—And Thank You

What the Charlie Gard Case Was Never About

Republicans caving? #draintheswamp

I have been reading a report this morning about a quiet, recently taped Republican meeting concerning how to repeal and replace ObamaDoesn’tCare.

I have one thing to say to the mealy-mouth, double-minded, squishy Rinos…CHARGE!..You didn’t have any problem passing, what, some 60 bills repealing it the last 8 years so that you could LOOK LIKE you were doing something the people demanded, all while knowing it would never pass the President’s desk.

Now you finally caught the bone…your REAL CHANCE to repeal it according to the people’s wishes and have the executive branch agree with it….and YOU are hesitating, and you are thinking about your next election,etc. etc. You NAUSEATE the American people. Do you honestly think if you DON’T do this, that YOU will survive your next election??? Are you kidding? You are delusional if you do. We will not forget. Can’t you tell…from the 2008 election on, the people have been slowly turning this thing, election after election….Pay ATTENTION! The Dems have lost some 1000 plus seats of government across the nation since 2008. Do you honestly think you can escape the dungheap of history if you don’t move forward when the opportunity is given you?

Haven’t you been paying attention? Trump won because he has single-handedly taken on  the political system and that includes your party too. Or are you secretly trying to sabotage his first term and his promises to the American people? The people know that some of you are, because you are against his presidency. No matter what he does, and no matter what you do, you will be labeled heartless, racist homophobes. Trump has figured this out, but some of you are still courting the left trying to be “friends.” One doesn’t make friends with a snake without getting badly bitten.

I and the American people who put Trump in office challenge you to be REAL MEN. Do what is right. Be true to yourselves, unless you are totally reprobate. In that case, resign, recognizing you don’t care about the country at all, and that disqualifies you for office, meaning you will not keep that oath you took, and thereby gain some honor for yourselves.

