It’s the Year 2024

It’s the Era of Great Pretending. 

Truth is expendible.

In this Era of Great Pretending. Boys can be girls. Girls can be boys. They can pretend they are a different gender than they actually are. Men can have babies, or they can pretend to, at least. They can nurse them too, I hear. Or they can pretend to.

Truths are lies. And lies are truth.
At least to some people. Most don’t want to be part of the pretend world. It is hoped that the non pretenders outnumber the pretenders. Non pretenders don’t want to play that game. They don’t want their children to play that game. They don’t want their children sacrificed to lies. How much are they willing to pay to ensure that in this Era of Great Pretending?

A class in a school district held a “class business” fundraiser.

They decided to play Bingo…only they told the students, “We can’t call it Bingo because the state requires that activity to be licensed. We have to call it something else. I know…let’s call it Bango.

And so the students held the “class business” fundraiser. They played Bingo, but it was called Bango. 

It’s the Era of Great Pretending. And we are all living in this moment. What will we do with it? Will we go along, and Pretend that everything is fine? Or will we Speak?

Many will just Pretend. It is too hard to Speak. 1984 is the book to read. It should make a comeback. But will we recognize THAT is where we are living?

We need to stir ourselves to Courage and Speak. We who are believers in God have the Light of the world, the Truth. Hard days are ahead, because we are Pretending this is Reality.

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